He has Risen 2023 Invitation

Dear Marists,

Will you help us celebrate 'Christ is Risen' through an online Zoom prayer?

We would like to invite you to join us together with Marist Laity Australia on Sunday April 30 at 7 pm (Sydney time) to celebrate in person. We will pray, sing, reflect and discuss together. This online zoom forum enables us to enter conversation and dialogue with each other. To listen to the word of God, not just within ourselves but other Marists from across the world.

Will you join us?

Please register here (www.tinyurl.com/he-has-risen-2023) to receive the Zoom link for this celebration online.

We encourage you to celebrate us. Please pass this invitation along to others.

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Happy Easter,

May Mary guide you and inspire you to be her hands, heart, and feet.

Marist Laity Australia

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30 April 2023

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Marist Laity Australia

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