An Explanation of the Aboriginal Voice to Parliament

   - Arrilla Indigenous Consulting

This YouClip video by 'Arrilla Indigenous Consulting' provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of the Voice to Parliament in Australia. The Voice is a proposed group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who aim to have input into how government programs work and make policies with Indigenous peoples rather than for them. Enshrining the Voice into the Constitution is seen as a practical action that would better protect its use and responsibilities to the government, while also recognizing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia's Constitution.

The video addresses several misconceptions about the Voice, including concerns that it would function as a third chamber of parliament or give excessive power to Indigenous people to make laws and govern Australia. It clarifies that the Voice is an advisory body that will provide advice on matters that affect First Nations peoples, without the power to initiate, reject, or pass bills. The video emphasizes that voting 'no' on the referendum does not present an alternative model or option, and it suggests that the status quo is not a viable solution, given the challenges faced by First Nations people. Instead, the video encourages viewers to consider the benefits of having Indigenous voices involved in developing solutions for Indigenous communities, leading to more effective government programs.

Overall, the video highlights the importance of establishing the Voice to Parliament as a step towards reconciliation, urging viewers to support this referendum and work towards a reconciled nation in Australia.

For more information click here......


Social Justice - I wonder how prayerful discernment can guide us in identifying the most strategic and impactful actions for social justice, enabling us to utilize our unique gifts and resources for the greatest good.
(By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2023-7-9)

Discern - In light of the Marist charism, how does the content inspire us to take concrete Action and respond to the needs identified?
(By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2023-7-9)

Affirmation - The content inspires and motivates readers to take action.
(By P. M. - Marist Father - from AUSTRALIA - 2023-7-12)

Social Justice - How can a theocentric perspective inspire us to confront and dismantle structures of privilege and power, working towards a society that upholds the inherent worth and dignity of every individual?
(By J. C. - Marist Father - from AUSTRALIA - 2023-7-12)

Affirmation - The content addresses common misconceptions and provides clarifications.
(By J. C. - Marist Father - from AUSTRALIA - 2023-7-12)

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09 July 2023

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