Earth Day

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One Earth - Environmental Short Film

Earth Day: How it started and why it matters

Behind the news - Planet vs Plastics

Here are detailed 40 suggestions of practical actions we can do for Earth Day
  1. Plant a Tree
    Trees are vital for the environment as they absorb carbon dioxide, provide oxygen, and stabilize soil. They also offer habitat for wildlife and reduce urban heat.Actions: Participate in community tree planting events or plant trees in your own yard. Choose native species that will thrive in your local climate.
  2. Start a Garden
    Gardening can reduce your carbon footprint by providing fresh produce right from your backyard, decreasing the need for store-bought items that require transport.Actions: Start small with a few containers or a raised bed. Plant vegetables and herbs that you commonly use in cooking.
  3. Clean Up Litter
    Litter not only tarnishes the natural beauty of environments but can also harm wildlife and pollute waterways.Actions: Organize or join local clean-up days at parks, beaches, or along rivers. Always carry a bag to pick up trash during your walks.
  4. Recycle and Compost
    Recycling helps reduce waste in landfills and conserve resources. Composting organic waste turns it into a valuable amendment for the soil, enriching it and reducing chemical fertilizer use.Actions: Set up bins for recycling in your home and learn what materials are accepted by your local program. Start a compost bin for your kitchen scraps and yard waste.
  5. Reduce Single-Use Plastics
    Single-use plastics are a major source of pollution, often ending up in oceans and harming marine life.Actions: Use reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Avoid products with excessive plastic packaging.
  6. Educate Yourself and Others
    Education is the first step towards effective change. Understanding environmental issues leads to better personal and community decisions.Actions: Read books, watch documentaries, and attend workshops. Share your knowledge with friends and family.
  7. Conserve Water
    Water is a precious resource, and conserving it helps ensure there is enough to meet the needs of all ecosystems and human demands.Actions: Fix leaks, install water-efficient fixtures, and use water wisely in gardening and household chores.
  8. Switch to Renewable Energy
    Renewable energy sources like solar and wind have a lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels.Actions: If possible, install solar panels at home, or choose a green energy provider.
  9. Reduce Energy Consumption
    Reducing energy use decreases the demand for fossil fuels and helps combat climate change.Actions: Turn off lights when not in use, use energy-efficient appliances, and insulate your home to reduce heating and cooling needs.
  10. Support Local and Sustainable Businesses
    Supporting local businesses reduces transportation emissions and helps build sustainable local economies.Actions: Shop at local farmers' markets, and choose products made locally with ethical practices.
  11. Attend a Workshop or Event
    Attending workshops and environmental events can increase your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.Actions: Look for local environmental workshops, talks, or fairs and participate actively.
  12. Advocate for Environmental Policies
    Effective policies can result in significant environmental improvements and sustainable practices.Actions: Engage with local politicians, sign petitions, and participate in rallies or public consultations on environmental issues.
  13. Use Public Transportation
    Public transportation reduces the number of vehicles on the road, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion.Actions: Use buses, trains, or carpool options instead of driving alone.
  14. Carpool or Bike
    Carpooling and biking reduce carbon emissions, traffic, and reliance on fossil fuels.Actions: Join a carpool group or take up biking for daily commutes and errands.
  15. Upcycle Old Items
    Upcycling helps reduce waste and can transform old items into useful or decorative new ones without the environmental impact of producing new goods.Actions: Get creative with DIY projects to repurpose old furniture, clothing, or containers.
  16. Participate in a Tree-Planting Event
    Tree-planting events help reforest areas and increase urban green spaces, which is crucial for biodiversity and air quality.Actions: Join local environmental groups or municipalities in scheduled tree-planting activities.
  17. Conduct an Energy Audit
    An energy audit can identify ways to save energy and reduce costs at home.Actions: Hire a professional to conduct an audit or use online guides to check your home for energy leaks and inefficient appliances.
  18. Switch to E-Billing
    E-billing reduces the amount of paper waste and the environmental impact associated with paper production and mail transport.Actions: Opt for online statements and bills from banks, utilities, and service providers.
  19. Buy Organic and Local Foods
    Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment and health.Actions: Shop at organic sections in stores, or join a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program.
  20. Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
    Many conventional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can affect water quality and public health.Actions: Purchase green cleaning products or make your own from natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon.
  21. Observe Earth Hour each Saturday
    Participating in Earth Hour helps raise awareness about climate change and the importance of reducing energy consumption.Actions: Turn off all non-essential electrical lights and devices for one hour on the each Saturday maybe from 7 pm to 8 pm.
  22. Adopt a Beach, Park, or Road
    Regular cleanups can significantly reduce litter and pollutants, which otherwise harm wildlife and degrade natural beauty.Actions: Coordinate with local authorities or organizations to adopt and maintain a section of a beach, park, or roadway through regular cleanups.
  23. Plant Native Plants
    Native plants are better adapted to local climates and support local ecosystems and wildlife.Actions: Replace non-native species in your garden with native plants that require less water and maintenance and provide habitat for local birds and insects.
  24. Install a Rain Barrel
    Collecting rainwater reduces reliance on municipal water systems and can help conserve water.Actions: Set up a rain barrel to collect water runoff from your roof. Use the collected water for watering your garden or lawn.
  25. Reduce Meat Consumption
    The production of meat, especially beef, has a high environmental impact due to land use, water consumption, and methane emissions.Actions: Try incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet. Start with a 'Meatless Monday' and explore diverse vegetarian and vegan recipes.
  26. Invest in a Reusable Water Bottle
    Using reusable water bottles reduces plastic waste and the environmental impact of producing single-use bottles.Actions: Choose a durable water bottle made from stainless steel, glass, or BPA-free plastic. Carry it with you to avoid buying bottled water.
  27. Conduct a Plastic Audit
    Understanding your plastic usage can help you find effective ways to reduce your plastic footprint.Actions: Keep track of the plastic items you use daily for a week. Identify which items can be replaced with reusable or more sustainable alternatives.
  28. Educate on Wildlife Conservation
    Educating yourself and others about wildlife conservation can lead to better protection efforts and increased awareness of the challenges facing wildlife.Actions: Visit wildlife sanctuaries, watch documentaries, and read up on local and global wildlife issues. Share this knowledge with your community.
  29. Donate to Environmental Charities
    Financial support helps environmental charities to continue their conservation, research, and advocacy work.Actions: Research charities that align with your environmental values and consider regular donations or fundraise to support their efforts.
  30. Volunteer for Environmental Causes
    Volunteering can make a direct impact on local environmental projects and initiatives.Actions: Join local environmental groups or non-profits and offer your time for various activities like tree plantings, educational programs, or administrative support.
  31. Create a Wildlife-Friendly Yard
    Transforming your yard into a haven for wildlife helps support biodiversity and provides essential habitats.Actions: Include features such as bird feeders, a small pond, insect hotels, and native flowering plants to attract different wildlife species.
  32. Participate in Citizen Science Projects
    Citizen science projects help scientists collect large amounts of data and engage the public in scientific research.Actions: Look for projects in your area that monitor wildlife, water quality, or weather patterns. Use apps or websites to contribute your observations.
  33. Host an Eco-Friendly Event
    Eco-friendly events promote sustainability and demonstrate how to reduce environmental impact in community gatherings.Actions: Use digital invitations, serve local and organic food, avoid single-use items, and ensure proper disposal and recycling at your event.
  34. Wear Eco-Friendly Fashion
    The fashion industry is a major contributor to waste and pollution. Choosing eco-friendly fashion supports more sustainable production practices.Actions: Buy from brands that use ethical practices and sustainable materials. Consider buying second-hand or swapping clothes with friends.
  35. Engage in Policy and Community Planning
    Getting involved in local community planning can influence environmental decision-making at a local level.Actions: Attend town hall meetings, join local environmental committees, or contribute to the development of sustainable community plans.
  36. Replace Lawn Areas with Gardens
    Traditional lawns are resource-intensive. Gardens can provide food and/or be more supportive of local ecosystems.Actions: Convert lawn areas into vegetable gardens or xeriscapes (landscaping that requires little or no irrigation).
  37. Swap Books, Tools, and Clothes
    Swapping items can reduce the need for new products, cutting down on resource use and waste.Actions: Organize or participate in swap meets with friends or in your community. Use online platforms to exchange items.
  38. Practice Zero-Waste Living
    Zero-waste living minimizes landfill use and environmental impact by avoiding disposable products.Actions: Focus on reducing waste, reusing products, recycling, and composting. Start by eliminating single-use plastics and packaging.
  39. Use a Programmable Thermostat
    Programmable thermostats help reduce energy use by automatically adjusting the heating and cooling of your home.Actions: Install a programmable thermostat to better control your home’s temperature according to your schedule, saving energy and money.
  40. Reflect and Set Goals
    Regular reflection on your environmental impact helps track progress and set realistic sustainability goals.Actions: Set aside time to assess your current practices and outline steps to improve. Keep a journal or use apps to monitor your progress.


Creating a strategy where people pledge to commit to specific environmental actions can greatly enhance the collective impact of individual efforts. Here's a step-by-step strategy to implement such a pledge:

Step 1: Develop the Pledge
Define Actions: Start by listing specific, achievable actions from the 40 suggestions, categorized by themes such as waste reduction, energy conservation, water conservation, and community involvement.
Create Levels of Commitment: Design different levels of commitment to accommodate varying capabilities, such as beginner, intermediate, and advanced pledges. This ensures inclusivity, allowing everyone from individuals to businesses to participate according to their capacity.

Step 2: Build an Interactive Platform
Website Creation: Develop a simple, user-friendly website where participants can learn about the pledge, understand the impact of each action, and sign up. Include educational resources and testimonials to inspire participation.
Pledge Customization: Allow participants to customize their pledges by selecting specific actions they commit to undertaking. This personalization can increase engagement and commitment to the pledge.

Step 3: Promote the Pledge
Launch Event: Organize an online launch event on a specific Date throughout the year, inviting speakers to discuss the importance of individual actions for collective environmental impact.

Social Media Campaign: Use social media platforms to promote the pledge. Create shareable content that explains the pledge, the steps, and the expected impacts. Encourage influencers to support and promote the pledge.
Community Outreach: Engage local communities through schools, universities, businesses, and local government. Offer presentations and workshops to educate and drive sign-ups.

Step 4: Facilitate and Support Action
Regular Updates: Send regular emails or newsletters to participants with tips on implementing their pledges, success stories, and reminders of the importance of their commitments.

Support Groups: Create online forums or social media groups where participants can share experiences, challenges, and successes. Peer support can be a powerful motivator.

Step 5: Recognition and Feedback
Acknowledge Participation: Provide certificates or digital badges that participants can share on their social media profiles or display in their places of work.

Feedback Mechanism: Implement a system where participants can provide feedback on their activities, which helps track the overall impact of the pledge and refine future initiatives.
Annual Recognition Event: Host an annual event to celebrate the achievements of all participants, highlighting standout contributors and sharing the collective impact of the pledge.

Step 6: Long-Term Engagement
Annual Pledge Renewal: Encourage participants to renew their pledges annually, possibly adding more commitments as they become more comfortable with their previous actions.

Expansion and Adaptation: Regularly review and update the pledge actions to include new and more effective environmental practices as they develop.This strategic approach not only fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility but also makes environmental action accessible and achievable for individuals and groups. By making the pledge a living, evolving initiative, it remains relevant and impactful in the long term.

For Kids - Octonauts - Earth Day Special

TED Talk - What will the earth look like in 2050?

News - Senator Burnie Sanders announcers funding for a solar program - delivers remarks to commemorate Earth Day

Final Song - In this together

Final Prayer
Creator of all, on this Earth Day, we lift our hearts in prayer for the sustenance and restoration of our planet. Guide us to cherish the earth as a precious gift, fostering its health and bounty with our actions and decisions. Grant us the wisdom to recognize the urgency of environmental stewardship, the strength to enact meaningful changes, and the commitment to nurture and protect all forms of life every day of the year. May our efforts today and every day reflect our reverence for the natural world, and help us build a future where the harmony between humanity and Earth flourishes. Amen.

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