Learning to Fail

   - Unpacking Misconceptions

   - of Growth Mindset

   - Luna Leverett

   - TED

In her TED presentation, 'You think you have a growth mindset, but do you?', Luna Leverett explores the common misconceptions about growth mindset and its practical application in everyday life. Leverett begins by defining what a true growth mindset entails, distinguishing it from the mere positive thinking that many mistake it for. She emphasizes that a growth mindset is not just about expecting growth and success but also embracing challenges, failures, and the continuous process of learning that leads to real change.

Leverett discusses the barriers that often prevent people from adopting a genuine growth mindset. She highlights common pitfalls such as fear of failure, the allure of comfort zones, and societal pressures that prioritize immediate success over long-term development. Leverett uses anecdotal evidence from her experiences and research to illustrate how these barriers manifest in various areas of life, including education, career, and personal relationships. She stresses that recognizing and overcoming these barriers is crucial to developing a true growth mindset.

Throughout her talk, Leverett offers practical strategies for fostering a growth mindset. She advocates for self-awareness practices, setting learning goals instead of performance goals, and seeking out challenges that force individuals out of their comfort zones. Leverett also discusses the importance of feedback and constructive criticism in growth, suggesting that how one responds to feedback is indicative of their mindset.

Leverett concludes her presentation by encouraging the audience to continuously assess and adjust their approach to challenges and growth. She calls for a proactive stance in cultivating a growth mindset, urging the audience to implement the strategies discussed daily. By doing so, she argues, individuals can transform not only their own lives but also positively influence those around them.

Overall, Luna Leverett's presentation serves as a compelling call to action for anyone looking to genuinely adopt a growth mindset. She provides a clear roadmap for personal development and illustrates the profound impact a true growth mindset can have on one's life and community.

Spend 20 minutes journalling and reflecting on these questions:
  1. Self-Assessment of Mindset: Reflect on a recent challenge you faced. Did you approach it with a growth mindset, seeking to learn and grow from the experience, or did you find yourself avoiding the challenge due to fear of failure? How did your mindset impact the outcome?
  2. Overcoming Barriers: Identify a barrier that frequently prevents you from adopting a growth mindset. What specific steps can you take to overcome this barrier in the future?
  3. Feedback and Growth: Think about the last time you received constructive criticism. How did you respond to it? Reflect on how you can alter your response to feedback to better foster personal growth and learning.
  4. Comfort Zones: What is one area in your life where you feel most comfortable and reluctant to change? Why do you think you feel this way, and what could you do to push beyond this comfort zone?
  5. Learning vs. Performance Goals: Evaluate your current goals. Are they centered around learning and growing, or are they focused on proving your abilities? How might shifting your goals influence your overall growth and development?
  6. Role Models of Growth Mindset: Identify someone you know or a public figure who exemplifies a growth mindset. What traits or behaviors do they exhibit that you can emulate in your own approach to challenges and growth?
  7. Long-term Implementation: What are three daily or weekly practices you can start implementing to consistently foster a growth mindset in your personal and professional life?

Why Self-Efficacy Matters | Mamie Morrow

Spend 20 minutes journalling and reflecting on the following questions...
  1. Reflect on a Setback: Think of a time when someone doubted your capabilities. How did this affect your self-perception and motivation initially, and how did you respond to this challenge over time?
  2. Role of Encouragement: Recall a moment when you received encouragement at a crucial time. How did this support change your outlook or approach to a challenge you were facing?
  3. Impact of Role Models: Can you identify a person whose success has directly inspired you to pursue a goal or tackle a challenge? What specific qualities or achievements of this person influenced you?
  4. Self-Efficacy in Action: What is an example from your own life where your belief in your abilities significantly influenced the outcome of a situation?
  5. Learning from Experience: Reflect on a past failure or challenge. What did you learn from that experience, and how did it contribute to your growth and future successes?
  6. Transfer of Skills: How have you successfully applied skills from one area of your life to another, significantly different area? What challenges did you face, and how did you adapt these skills to fit the new context?
  7. Personal Growth Goals: Looking ahead, what is one area where you need to build self-efficacy, and what steps will you take to strengthen your belief in your abilities in this area?

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TED

Spend 20 minutes journalling and reflecting on the following questions
  1. Comparison Trap: Think about a time when you found yourself comparing your life to someone else's on social media. How did this comparison affect your mood and self-esteem?
  2. Perception vs. Reality: How does the story about the Facebook friend challenge your perceptions of others' lives based on social media? Why might it be important to remind ourselves that what we see online is often a curated version of reality?
  3. Resilience Building: Reflect on a difficult time in your own life. What specific thoughts or actions helped you to overcome that period? Were there any unhealthy beliefs that you had to let go of during that time?
  4. Influence of Encouragement: Recall a moment when someone's encouragement significantly lifted your spirits or changed your perspective during a tough time. How did their support make a difference?
  5. Self-Efficacy and Mental Strength: Considering the speaker's journey through grief and subsequent challenges, how do you think self-efficacy contributes to mental strength? Can you identify a time when your belief in your abilities helped you through a challenge?
  6. Unhealthy Beliefs:Identify any current unhealthy beliefs you might hold about yourself, others, or the world. How could these beliefs be limiting you, and what steps can you take to counter them with healthier ones?
  7. Small Steps for Big Changes: What is one small change you can make today that could help improve your mental strength or change a bad mental habit? How might this small step lead to bigger changes in your life?


Song - Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten

Final Prayer

Loving Father, grant us the courage to embrace the challenges that foster our growth and the wisdom to see failures as opportunities to learn. Help us cultivate a true growth mindset, rooted in humility and a relentless pursuit of Your truth. Guide us in Your ways, so we may rise above our fears and limitations, continually transforming into the individuals You designed us to be. Strengthen our resolve to grow not only for our own benefit but also to better serve those around us, reflecting Your love and grace in all that we do. Amen.

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