
   - The Inner Work of Age

   - Shifting from Role to Soul

These YouTube videos launch Dr. Connie Zweig's book, 'The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul.' The book is intended for individuals over 50 who are feeling disoriented by aging and are looking for tools to help them find peace, forgiveness, self-knowledge, gratitude, meaning, and a way to contribute meaningfully in the latter part of their lives.

Dr. Zweig extends her work on the shadow to explore the shadows of age. She discusses the transition from identifying with our roles in work and family to a deeper, spiritual identity that emerges as we age and our roles fall away. This shift is described as a transformation from role to soul.

The book provides tools for inner work in late life, viewed as a rite of passage. It emphasizes the importance of becoming an elder, which is a conscious and intentional process, distinct from simply growing older. It involves completing unfinished business both emotionally and spiritually, engaging in a life review, and serving something greater than oneself.

Dr. Zweig also introduces the concept of becoming a spiritual elder, with practices such as shadow work and meditation to help find the treasures of this life stage. She contrasts the typical external focus on aging with her approach of aging from the inside out, reinventing the process by deepening self-knowledge and shifting from denial to awareness, self-rejection to self-acceptance, and distraction to presence.

The book aims to guide readers in a personal journey to expand their emotional and spiritual authority, tapping into the universal hunger for this inner work as one ages.

Book Launch - THE INNER WORK OF AGE: Shifting from Role to Soul by Dr. Connie Zweig

New book: The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul

Sacred Speaks - Connie Zweig – The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul

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    Questions for further reflection and discussion
    1. Identity Beyond Roles: How do you currently identify yourself beyond your roles in work and family? What might your identity look like if you shifted the focus from these roles to your inner self or soul?

    2. Transition to Eldership: What does becoming an elder mean to you? How do you envision intentionally embracing this role as you age?

    3. Confronting the Shadow of Age: Have you encountered any aspects of your shadow as you've aged? What might be some unrecognized fears or anxieties about aging that you could bring into awareness?

    4. Emotional and Spiritual Unfinished Business: Reflect on any unfinished emotional or spiritual business you may have. What steps could you take to address and complete these unresolved issues?

    5. Life Review: If you were to conduct a life review now, what moments or experiences would you reflect upon? How have they shaped the person you are today?

    6. Serving Beyond Yourself: In what ways could you serve something larger than yourself? How might this service contribute to your sense of purpose and identity as you age?

    7. Aging from the Inside Out: How do you interpret the idea of aging from the inside out? What internal changes or shifts in awareness do you think are necessary for you to reimagine the process of aging for yourself?

    For more information click here......


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