Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer is an inspirational true story about Bethany Hamilton. At the start of a pro career in surfing, she is attacked by a shark. Most people would quick a career in surfing, but through faith, and resilience she rises to the challenge when her whole world seems to fall apart.

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Watch the full movie on Netflix Clickview

3 minute - Documentary - Young Surfer Who Lost an Arm in a Shark Attack Refuses to Give Up | The Oprah Winfrey Show

11 minute Documentary - Pro Surfer and Shark Attack survivor Bethany Hamilton: I wouldn't change a thing | FAIR GAME

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05 February 2021

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Bethany Hamilton

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Reflect on the following questions

1. Describe how Bethany Hamilton is a Christian.

2. How is resiliency a part of Bethany’s life?

3. How is suffering a part of the Christian life?

4. Are mistakes good or bad? Explain.

5. Why is community important? Give an example.

6. What moral choices does Bethany have to make? What helps to guide her?

7. How is Jesus’ life similar to Bethany’s life?

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