Song and Prayer

   - St Maximilian Kolbe

    Heavenly Father,

    Teach us to remember the story and sacrifice of Maximilian Kolbe.
    In a death camp known as Auschwitz, where darkness reigned in 1941,
    Under the scorching sun, in Block 14's shadowed space of Nazi Germany.
    A beacon of hope and courage emerged, as the story had begun.
    Men stood in line, hearts heavy, in that desolate place.

    Inspire us to love like Maximilian Kolbe,
    Amidst the cruelty, fear, and despair, one man's heart shone bright,
    Maximilian Kolbe, a vessel of love's God’s light.
    As ten were chosen for a sacrifice so dire,
    Maximilian stepped forward, selfless and inspired, to quell the raging fire.

    May we learn the goodness of sacrifice in our lives
    Like Maximilian Kolbe who followed Jesus sacrifice
    In a bunker of hunger, thirst, and dread, the prisoners were confined,
    Kolbe's love burned brighter, his heart lifted up in prayer.
    He offered his life, an act of grace untold,
    For a stranger's life, a story of love bold.

    Grant us the strength to follow Maximilian Kolbe’s example
    To love one another, in selflessness, Mercy filled love.
    When we are suffering and in dark places.
    remind us of the story of Maximilian Kolbe.

    In gratitude and thanksgiving, we raise our hearts to God,
    Inspired by Maximilian Kolbe's selfless sacrifice.
    May we learn from his example, his gift so grand,
    To give one’s life.
    In the name of love,
    Mary mother of Jesus.....pray for us,


The song 'Maximilian Kolbe' tells the powerful story of Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Catholic priest who was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. The song portrays his selfless sacrifice and unwavering love in the face of unimaginable cruelty and despair.

In the song, the lyrics describe how Maximilian Kolbe volunteered to take the place of a fellow prisoner who was chosen to die as punishment for a prisoner's escape attempt. This act of selflessness reflects Kolbe's deep compassion and willingness to give his life for another, even though he did not know the man he was saving.

The song emphasizes the transformative power of love, depicting Kolbe's love as a shining beacon of hope amidst the darkness of the concentration camp. It underscores the notion that love knows no boundaries, transcending even the harshest conditions and prevailing over fear and suffering.

Through its lyrics, the song highlights the contrast between the inhumanity of Auschwitz and the humanity that emerged through acts of self-sacrifice and compassion. It portrays Kolbe's actions as a symbol of the potential for goodness and kindness to shine even in the most dire circumstances.

Overall, the song 'Maximilian Kolbe' serves as a tribute to a remarkable individual who exemplified the capacity for love, sacrifice, and courage in the midst of one of history's darkest chapters. It invites listeners to reflect on the profound impact that a single act of selflessness can have and encourages us to consider how love can transcend barriers and bring light to even the darkest corners of human experience.


In a death camp known as Auschwitz back in 1941.
The men from block 14 were made to stand under the sun.
In the heat of the day, some fell away
some prayed that it would rain.
And the dread and fear of death so near
drove more than one insane.

Well a prisoner had run away
so ten men had to die.
In a bunker without food or drink,
or a reason why.
Well nine men were chosen
but one man chose to go.
To give his life for another.
A man he did not know.

And some hearts can't be held
within brick wall and wire fence.
Somme hearts had learned to love
amidst the darkest humans sins.
And who knows what love might sometimes take or give.
For Maximillian Kolbe gave his life
so another man might live.

There is a crown as red as roses
There is a crown as white as snow.
For this prisoner of Auschwitz 16670
His love was like a shining hope
where hope was dim
Because there is an't no hell or prison cell
where love can't enter in.

And some hearts can't be held
within brick wall and wire fence.
Some hearts had learned to love
amidst the darkest humans sins.
And who knows what love might sometimes take or give.
For Maximillian Kolbe gave his life
so another man might live.

And who knows what love might sometimes take or give.
For Maximillian Kolbe gave his life
so another man might live.

Further questions for reflection and discussion
  1. Selfless Sacrifice: What emotions and thoughts arise within you as you reflect on Maximilian Kolbe's decision to step forward and offer his life for a stranger? How does this act of selflessness challenge conventional notions of heroism and bravery?

  2. The Power of Love: In what ways does the song emphasize the transformative power of love, even within the darkest and most challenging circumstances? How does Maximilian Kolbe's love for a fellow prisoner inspire you to consider the profound impact of compassion and empathy?

  3. Courage in the Face of Darkness: How does the song capture the resilience and courage exhibited by Maximilian Kolbe and the other prisoners in the face of unimaginable cruelty and despair? How can their experiences offer lessons for finding strength in adversity?

  4. Humanity Amidst Inhumanity: How does the song highlight the contrast between the inhumanity of Auschwitz and the genuine humanity that emerged through acts of love and sacrifice? How does Kolbe's story challenge us to recognize the potential for goodness even in the bleakest situations?

  5. Love's Boundaries: The song suggests that 'there is no hell or prison cell where love can't enter in.' What does this statement mean to you? How might Kolbe's actions illustrate the boundless nature of love and its capacity to transcend physical and emotional barriers?

  6. The Impact of Personal Choices: Reflect on the lyrics, 'And who knows what love might sometimes take or give. For Maximilian Kolbe gave his life so another man might live.' How do Kolbe's actions exemplify the profound impact that an individual's choices can have on the lives of others? How might this concept resonate with your own experiences or beliefs?

  7. Inspiration for Today: In what ways can the story of Maximilian Kolbe's selfless sacrifice continue to inspire and resonate with people today? How might his example encourage us to respond to challenges, adversity, or opportunities to show compassion and love in our own lives?

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