
   - Peace has come

The song is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the significance of his arrival in Bethlehem. It highlights the incarnation of the 'word of God' in flesh, portraying Jesus as the savior of a broken world. Throughout the song, angelic voices urge people to adore and worship Jesus, recognizing him as the source of peace for humanity. The song repeatedly emphasizes that with Jesus's arrival, 'peace has come,' suggesting a divine intervention to heal and restore the world. The repeated lines 'Oh, come let us adore him' highlight the reverence and worship Jesus is accorded, emphasizing his divine and regal status as the 'king' who is now among humanity. Overall, the song is a declaration of joy, worship, and hope brought about by the birth of Jesus.

Behold the star of Bethlehem
The word of god has become flesh
Unto us a child is born
The savior of this broken world
Oh, hear the angel voices
Sing come let us adore him
Peace has come
For our king is with us
Fully god and fully man
He comes for all with open hands
He rules with love on David's throne
All praise belongs to Christ alone
Oh, hear the angel voices
Sing come let us adore him
Peace has come
For our king is with us
Holy, holy, holy
Jesus we adore thee
Peace has come
For our king is with us
Oh, come let us adore him
Oh, come let us adore him
Oh, come let us adore him
Christ the lord
Oh, come let us adore him
Oh, come let us adore him
Oh, come let us adore him
Christ the lord
Oh, hear the angel voices
Sing come let us adore him
Peace has come
For our king is with us
Peace has come
For our king is with us

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