
   - Dancing on the Waves

'Dancing on the Waves' is a song that appears to be written from the perspective of a divine or spiritual entity expressing unconditional love and support for a person who is weary and burdened. The lyrics use vivid metaphors and imagery to convey a message of comfort, healing, and divine love.

Here's a breakdown of the key themes in the song:
    Divine Invitation and Comfort: The opening lines, 'I'm standing at your door / My heart is calling yours,' suggest a divine being reaching out to a person who is struggling, offering comfort and rest.

    Unconditional Love: The chorus, 'I dare you to believe how much I love you now,' emphasizes the immense, unconditional love that this entity has for the individual. It's a challenge to trust in this love despite past experiences or doubts.

    Strength and Support: The lines 'Don’t be afraid, I am your strength' imply that this divine presence is a source of strength and support, encouraging the individual to not fear the challenges they face.

    Renewal and Hope: 'Your past is dead and gone / Your healing has begun' signifies a message of renewal and hope. It suggests that past struggles or mistakes are no longer relevant, and a new phase of healing and growth has started.

    Miraculous Empowerment: The imagery of 'walking on the water, dancing on the waves' is particularly powerful. It could be a reference to the biblical story where Jesus walks on water, symbolizing overcoming the impossible or finding peace amidst turmoil.

    Personal Significance and Purpose: The lines 'I set every star into place / So you would remember My name / I made it all for you' indicate that everything in the universe, including the stars, has been created with a purpose and personal significance for the individual, emphasizing their worth and importance.

    Identity and Value: The entity describes the person as 'My masterpiece,' underlining their unique value and significance in the eyes of the divine.

I'm standing at your door
My heart is calling yours
Come fall into My arms
You're weary from it all
Been running for too long
I'm here to bring you home
I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
I dare you to believe how much I love you now
Don't be afraid, I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves
Look up and lift your eyes
The future's open wide
I have great plans for you, oh, yes, I do
Your past is dead and gone
Your healing has begun
I'm making all things new, oh
I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
I dare you to believe how much I love you now, oh
Don't be afraid, I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves
Dancing on the waves
Can you see us just dancing?
I set every star into place
So you would remember My name
I made it all for you
You are My masterpiece
You are the reason I sing
This is My song for you
Every star in the sky
I set every star into place
So you would remember my name
I made it all for you (My love, My love)
You are My masterpiece
You are the reason I sing
This is my song for you
I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
Come on, I dare you to believe how much I love you, oh, I love you
Don't be afraid, know that I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves
Oh, we'll walking on the water, dancing on the waves

Overall, the song 'Dancing on the Waves' seems to be about the deep, unconditional love and support that a divine presence offers to individuals, encouraging them to see their worth, to find strength and renewal, and to trust in a purposeful and hopeful future.

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Bethel Music

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