February Message from Marist Laity Australia

Dear Marist Friends Welcome Back to 2021!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas Season filled joy and surrounded with love from family and friends.As we refocus for the year, we take this opportunity to provide a brief update on some planned activities for 2021.

Accepting an invitation from our international Marist Laity Family Members, 90 people across the world joined a zoomconversation with Father Joshtrom Kureethdam to develop a Laudatio Si Action Platform. The zoom presentation inspired richconversation amongst the MLA committee last Saturday and we resolved to move 3 Actions forward for 2021. We look forward toyou joining us during the year to bring to ‘flesh,’ the actions planned.
    1. The Marist Website, updated beautifully by Andrew Dumas holds an abundant amount of resources for people to delve intoWe endeavour to make this our Marist Laity Webpage that will be emailed straight into your email box.

    2. On this Webpage during 2021 you will be invited to Monthly Zoom Meetings. An invited speaker will present the topicto provide rich and engaging ideas. As March looms, and Pope Francis has made this the year of St Joseph, we look to make this our first topic.Keep an eye on the Webpage for the zoom meeting date!!

    3. A Livable Spirit Retreat Weekend will be held on the 11 & 12 September. The venue is to be confirmed. This weekend is to reconnect, refresh andrevitalize participants in the Marist Spirit. Please let us know if you would be interested. Watch out for the Save the Date Flyers that will come out on the Webpagethroughout the year. A follow up discussion will occur on how best to take our Marian Spirit forward, aligned with Pope Francis’ request in Laudatio Si.More Details on this great event later…..
We look forward to catching up with you either personally or via zoom during the year, and invite you to contribute to building a Marian World where theEarth and it’s Peoples can be further nurtured into Life and Love.

Marg Woods on behalf of the MLA Committee Feb 2021

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23 February 2021

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