God has a plan for you.

Sometimes you need to get knocked down before you
Can really figure out what your fight is
And how you need to fight it
Sometimes you need to feel the pain and sting of defeat
To active the real passion
And purpose that GOD predestined inside of you
GOD says in jeremiah
I know the plans i have for you
Plans to prosper you
And not to harm you
Plans to give you hope and a future
Hear me well on this day
This day when you have reached the hill top
And you are deciding on next jobs, Next steps
Careers, Futures Education
You would rather find purpose
Than a job or a career
Purpose crosses disciplines
Purpose is an essential element of you
It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history
Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill
Whatever you choose for a career path, Remember the struggles along the way
Are only meant to shape you for your purpose
When GOD has something for you, It doesn't matter who stands against it
If it’s meant for you
GOD will move someone that’s holding you back away from a door
And put someone there who will open it for you
I don’t know what your future is
But if you are willing to take the harder way
The more complicated one, The one with more failures at first than successes
The one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning, More victory
More glory then you will not regret it
Press on with pored and press on with purpose
And appreciate what GOD has brought you through

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