Mary in the midst of Chaos

   - Part 1

Imagine you are on the reflection day.

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A big part of this is that people who have come here today thinking I am going to give you four or five insights about Mary or chaos…..that will be fluky (you are mistaken). It might work, then again, it might not.

From my point of view, I came here to help you release what you already know.

Often, we know things which we have not yet realised until we do it in conversation. We carry great learnings about life and about spirituality. That often we do not recognise ourselves. So often I will ask you to be talking with each other. More than listening to me. Then we will reflect together on what we know.

To start off with is a simple exercise. To check in. People are either rushed or need to leave things behind. Normally, we leave our head in about 6 places in getting to any place. Often we leave parts of our body and we don’t bring them together.

So, for a moment, I will get you to do a body exercise. So if you have things in your hands that would be good. If you could reasonably relaxed. Straighten your back. If you are comfortable, close your eyes as it helps.

Imagine for a moment that you are surrounded by a cloud of your favourite colour. Whatever that colour is. Please don’t spend 5 minutes deciding your favourite colour.

Imagine that colour.

Imagine that cloud is around you. And that it is a cloud of energy that is very supportive of you. It is a nurturing energy. Imagine. You can feel yourself breathing it in.

Just take it right down through your body. Right down to your toes. Breath out any sense of rushing. Of busyness.

In your own time breath in. Breath in the energy. Just allow it to slowly nurture you in this space where you are in this room. In this time.

Once again as you breath out and let go of any connections or tensions that try to take you somewhere else.

Just breathing in the energy. Taking it down through and allow yourself to feel at home in this space and this time.


In your own time, bring to mind one thing you have a deep sense of gratitude for. Anything you saw on your way here. Something you have a sense of gratitude for. Really feel in your heart a deep sense of gratitude. Let it be a gift of goodness. Everyday. There is life in all of these moments. It is all gift.


Develop a sense of thanksgiving in this day of living.


I invite you to come back to this space. Allow your body to feel the chair. Where you are sitting. Bring your mind back to this moment. When you are ready open your eyes.


Thanks for that.


I would like to begin with a couple of questions and to work in threes, I think. A good number for this sought of group. In a moment I will ask you to move your chairs a bit. As you can. If you are sitting next to someone you know well, I encourage you to sit with someone you do not know well.

Start by introducing yourself. Where you come from. Not your life history…day by day. Anything you would feel important for the other person to know about you. For some people the number of people in their family is important. For others this is not important.

I would like you to talk about in your life over the last month. What is an experience you have had of chaos?

Please understand that we do not all have to understand the word “chaos” in the same way.

Out of the last month, a time where you in your life had chaos in it. What was that like? What actually was going on in you in that space?

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Part 2

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Brother Graham Neist FMS

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