
   - Brain Cribbs sj

Br Ian Cribb sj entered the Jesuits in 1971. For 15 years he worked as a Teacher at Xavier College in Melbourne. For the past 30 years he has worked in the ministry of Ignatian Spirituality as a giver of retreats, spiritual direction and formation of both Jesuits and lay people. For 10 years he was the Director of the Sevenhill Spirituality Centre before coming to Sydney in 2016.

Br Ian is currently the Community Leader of the Gonzaga Jesuit Community in Kirribilli and a member of the St Ignatius College School Board. He is the Jesuit Provincial’s Delegate for Ignatian Spirituality and Formation and the CEO of Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia. More recently, he has been working as a member of the Formation team for facilitators and members of the coming Plenary Council.

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