Laudatio Si the Big Furry Spider

On the weekend I was blessed to participate in the “Laudatio Si Action Platform” Zoom conversation with Father Joshtrom Kureethdam and Father Bernard McKenna and 90 other Marists lay people and religious. As I listened, in my heart I pondered “are these just words?” Sure, I agree with the philosophy and rationale behind climate science, but how does this change me? How does this change my own community? How does this change my family? This is more than just an ethics of doing right or wrong. What Laudatio Si by Pope Francis is proposing is a major shift at all levels of human consciousness and at all levels of our society. We will struggle. In economics, life choices, life styles, food and dietary habits, transport routines, energy plans, politics, how we do business, how we recycle, politics, our daily purchases and of course our own theology and spirituality. This is a major shift from a human centred (Anthropocentric) to a animal/plants centred (biocentric) or even a God-centred-in-creation (theocentred) way of seeing, thinking and acting.

Father Joshtrom gave us a key of where this starts. We need to start talking about “Laudatio Si” and Climate Science a lot more. In conversation. Laudatio Si must become a critical key point to our regular conversations. Our children and great grand children and the poorest of the poor will depend on our “Laudatio Si” conversations. We must not forget what we have learned.

All humans are to recognise their critical part connected to creation. We must develop a taste and feeling for creation. By regularly going on a nature walk. With our children, families and communities. By watching documentaries like 2040 on the state of the climate and start planning in our family and community our next move.

This starts in our own homes. On the weekend I was trimming a large bush and tree near my home. I was shocked to find a very large furry spider near the front of my home. I did not kill the spider. I let it live and placed it in another part of the garden out of my way. I realised the spider helped to control the little bugs. Maybe we need to recognise already what is around us. Our brothers and sisters. This starts will the big furry spiders outside our doors because they too have a role to play.

Laudatio Si can be seen like the big furry spider. They are scary. But, are wonderful once you begin to get to know them. Though, I must admit I am still scared!

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