Noel Davis RIP

My Easter has been coloured by the passing from this life to the next of someone who had a profound significance in the shaping of my Marist vocation.

I don’t remember when it first hit me that as a Marist Sister, I was meant actually to be Mary's presence in today's world. What I do remember is knowing instinctively that I couldn't do that – after all, Mary was blue and white and perfect... and I simply was not. Although I chose to stay, somehow I settled for being something less – “half-baked”, as it were.

Then came the day when I was handed a prayer sheet with a reflection which began: Whatever happened to Wild Mary, to that spirited village woman, who broke the chains and shattered the moulds that tried to tame and angel her… As I read, the room began to spin for me…

It was mid-1996, I was already more than 25 years professed. Yet, in a moment, what had eluded me for all that time, leapt off the page. Mary became real and somehow my vocation became grounded.

Yes, Noel Davis brought all the colours of the rainbow to my understanding of Mary and thereby changed my life. But – as if that were not enough – the Mystery of Life allowed us to keep in touch by phone and email, until we eventually met and Noel and Trish welcomed me into their circle of friends. What precious memories have been woven into my life’s tapestry! I will be forever grateful.

You may have left this earthly life, dear Noel, but your influence remains in the lives of so many of us and, I suspect, you are not all that far away. What a joy for you to meet Wild Mary, to say nothing of her Son!

Vivienne Goldstein SM


In 1991, under the name of the Shekinah Creative Centre, Emmaus Productions was privileged to publish Noel's first few collections, Heart Gone Walkabout, Campfire of the Heart, Love Finds A Way and Fallows Hundredfold.

Following these highly acclaimed works, Noel and his wife Trish deLany went on to publish six more collections of Noel's poems and reflections.

As a gesture of appreciation of Noel and his beautiful poetic soul, we are releasing Noel's entire video series, Thought For The Day, as a free offering, consisting of 16 episodes featuring some of Noel's most popular works.

We hope and pray his legacy will live on in the hearts of all who knew him, both personally and in the intimacy of his poetry.

~Monica Brown
Director, Emmaus Productions

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