Leadership through Invictus

Learning Intention
Forming a sense of Leadership through Injustice


Brainstorm the concept of 'Leadership' with Definition on leftwith Examples on right

(Students hopefully will highlight a more relational or service orientated leadership style - linking quickly to pastoral care, relationship, empathy, listening, compassion, service etc)

(Some key female examples - Michelle Obama, Greta Thunberg, Anne Frank)

- interestingly Nelson Mandela read Anne Frank's diary whilst in prison. This inspired him to persevere.

Watch the film 'Invictus'

      1. How is leadership a part of the film?
      (4 - 5 sentences)

      2. Why does the presidential guard have to be humble? How does this humility form leadership?
      (3 - 4 sentences)

      3. How does Nelson Mandela model (Morgan Freeman) lead?
      (4 - 5 sentences)

      4. How does the introduction with Mrs Bliss and the cup of tea demonstrate a relational leadership style rather than an autocratic or top down leadership style? Give examples.
      (3 - 4 sentences)

      5. How does François Pienaar (Matt Damon) change? Why?
      (3 - 4 sentences)

      6. What struggles does François Pienaar (Matt Damon) face? How does this struggle form and strengthen him as leader? Give 3 examples. Describe.

      7. How is injustice present in the film? How is this an opportunity for leadership?
      (3 - 4 sentences)

      8. After watching the film - How has your idea of leadership changed?
      (3 - 4 sentences)

    This activity will take 2 to 3 lessons.

    For more information click here......


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12 November 2021

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Social Justice

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Clint Eastwood

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Watch the film Invictus.

Answer key questions about leadership through the film.

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