Marist Laity - A Basic Guide

The Spirituality

Mother Mary and her son on the cross

General Characteristics
of Marist Groups

Marist Groups

  2. Devotion and Practices

A. Devotion to Mary: Marists have devotion to Mary. This expresses itself in living her spirit rather than in great public manifestations. Their devotion to Mary is personal and shapes their way of life, but it is not part of their vocation to propagate any special devotions to Mary.

B. Religious Practices: Being a Marist is more a way of life, and there is no emphasis on any particular religious practices apart from the religious practices of a committed Christian life. The person of Mary is important rather than particular practices. Each group and individual however, can decide what particular prayers and practices they wish to follow while being mindful that they be in keeping with the spirit of Mary. Called to be evangelisers they pray for all those in great need, invoking Mary' intercession. It is important that Marist devotion be simple and unaffected and not draw attention to itself. (One traditional form of this is simply on rising and retiring to pray the prayer 'We fly to your protection' and three Hail Mary's).

Next - Structures and Rules



Basic Guide

Published by Marist Fathers,
Via Alessandro Poerio, 63
00152 Roma, Italia

Marist Cross and shield

Marist Laity Australia

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Mary is the outsider who God chose to bring to the centre.