Marist Laity - A Basic Guide

The Spirituality

Mother Mary and her son on the cross

General Characteristics
of Marist Groups

Marist Groups

  4. The Perfect Disciple - women, mother and disciple: Prayerful and Apostolic"
Flower - divine mercy
Marists look to Mary as the first disciple of Jesus. Although scripture says very little about her, we know that she was there amongst the first group of believers, and we know she was there as woman, as mother and as disciple with her eyes on Christ and the good of the community.

St. Luke describes Mary like this: she, on hearing the word of God, accepted it fully; she believed that what she heard would be fulfilled; she cherished what she had been told and pondered it; she heard the word of God, and put it into practice; she was with the disciples in the community, praying continuously, receiving the Holy Spirit, and witnessing to the Resurrection. So we learn a great deal about Mary when we reflect on her presence in the Church. By living her kind of life, Marists will help a 'disciple church' to emerge: a church which listens to and acts upon the Word that has been proclaimed.

Next - 'Tasting God' and Trusting 'in God alone'



Basic Guide

Published by Marist Fathers,
Via Alessandro Poerio, 63
00152 Roma, Italia

Marist Cross and shield

Marist Laity Australia

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Mary is the outsider who God chose to bring to the centre.