The video discusses the evolution and current state of Lay Marists, a community dedicated to Marist spirituality, highlighting its growth and adaptation over time. Initially, Lay Marists were closely associated with clergy and religious congregations, meeting in groups through parishes, schools, or communities. However, the introduction of the internet and the establishment of an online community have broadened the ways in which individuals discover and engage with Marist spirituality.
A significant milestone was the year 2000 gathering in Longford, Ireland, which fostered unity and friendship among Lay Marists, leading to more frequent gatherings. The participation in the 2007 European gathering in Turin was another turning point, offering valuable insights into organizing and the adoption of the Magnificat as the official prayer. Following this, the Irish Lay Marists structured themselves more formally, establishing a resource group to support local groups, organizing retreats, and enhancing mission outreach within parishes and to potential new members.
The focus then shifts to Lay Marists in Australia, highlighting their journey towards independence and a mature understanding of their role in the Church. They've moved from relying on religious orders for guidance to a more autonomous and inclusive approach, embracing diversity in spirituality and ministry. The future vision for Lay Marists in Australia includes strengthening links with the wider Marist and global community, leveraging new communication tools to overcome distance, and engaging in social justice initiatives.
The challenges discussed include attracting young people disinterested in traditional church activities and the need for collaboration between Marist branches to support initiatives and potentially employ dedicated resources to propel the Lay Marist mission forward. The video encapsulates the Lay Marists' evolution from a traditional, clergy-dependent group to a more autonomous, inclusive, and globally connected community, emphasizing the importance of Marist spirituality in contemporary society.
Reflect on the following questions
How are you called to be a lay Marist?
Why is it important for Marists to come together?
How can the branches strengthen each other?
What is the vision for the future?
How can lay Marists speak to young people today?
How are Marists called to Connection, Proclaim and Respond?
How could technology be better used?
What new pathways are called to emerge?
What structures might help with the growth of Lay Marists
Reflect and journal about these questions
Listen to the following song
Song - Dare to Dream
Final Prayer
Loving Father, we thank You for the vibrant community of Lay Marists, bound together by Your love and the spirit of Mary. Guide them as they navigate the challenges of reaching the disinterested and expanding their mission in this digital age. Bless their gatherings, both online and in person, that they may continue to foster unity, share Your love, and grow in Marist spirituality. Empower them to be beacons of Your light in their parishes, schools, families, communities, and across the globe, embracing diversity and reaching out in justice and love. May their efforts bear fruit in abundance, drawing more souls closer to You. In Mary's name, we pray, Amen.