Contemplation on the New Year

Christmas and New Year have provided us with the opportunity to pause, to watch, and to wonder at the event of the Word continuing to be made Flesh in our time. Perhaps we have found ourselves pondering with Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Magi at the unfolding of a Revelation among us that draws us to wonder, to encounter, to hope, and to be replenished with a new Divine-given energy. With the Divine energy, the gift of Contemplation, we are in union with the One Who is calling us to mission - to heal the wounded world - in the year ahead. When we encounter this One, we are able give from the Source and we are renewed in the giving, [whereas, if we give from ourselves only we are depleted in the giving].

Our General Chapter 2017 named this encounter well:
  1. As Mary pondered the Word, so are we called to a life of contemplation, centered on the Eucharist, bearing fruit in service within the Church and beyond. [n.4]

  2. the Society is called to search for creative ways to grow constantly in lives of contemplation and lead others along the path of discipleship and mission rooted in deep prayer. [n.9.a]

  3. Contemplation as the energy source, the mystical heart of Marist mission, is intimately linked with our identity as Marist religious. To form a communion for mission, we need to deepen the contemplative dimension of our lives. With Jesus at the center we can, like Mary, be missionaries of hope.[n.30]

  4. The spiritual life is nourished and sustained by contemplation of the word of God. This heightens awareness of the presence of the risen Jesus in our everyday life and work. His presence inspires us to make of our lives an unceasing prayer. [C.118]

  5. Marists are recommended to spend one hour in private prayer each day. [n.32]

  6. Leadership at different levels in the Society shall endeavor to support Marists in deepening the quality of their prayer, both individual and communal.[n.33]

  7. address areas such as personal use of the Internet and other media and how the contemplative aspect of our vocation is maintained. [n.36]
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