i4give Website

I4give Resource and Web site. Parents Daniel & Leila Abdallah have created i4give Day as a remembrance of the four angels that were tragically lost on the 1st of February 2020. This is to also help others who have suffered in a similar way. As well as this, it is a National day of forgiveness where you could find someone you can forgive or ask for forgiveness.

“Our four children are now our four saints and this day is for them. Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. The more you practice the better you become at it and it allows you to live peacefully and to heal. Forgiveness is more for the forgiver than the forgiven” Danny & Leila Abdallah.

You are encouraged to search your heart and find someone you can forgive on this day. Set them free and feel the freedom of forgiveness.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” Ephesians 4:32

The greatest miracle is that there’s forgiveness for all that’s wrong with us. There’s forgiveness from all we’ve failed to live up to because of our inadequacies. There’s forgiveness from our wounds, from all that’s left us physically, emotionally, and spiritually limping and cold. There’s forgiveness from injustice, from the unfairness we suffer ourselves and from the hurt which we inflict knowingly or unknowingly on others. There’s forgiveness from our mistakes, our moral failures, our infidelities, our crimes, our sins. There’s forgiveness from relationships gone sour, from marriages, families, friendships, and institutions that have been torn apart by misunderstanding, hatred, selfishness, abuse, and violence. Nothing falls outside the scope of the power to forgive, to resurrect, restore, live with loss, grief and make new, fresh, innocent, and joyful again.

Our lives, to a greater or lesser extent, all end up incomplete, broken, unfairly ripped away from us, and causing hurt to others because of our weaknesses, infidelities, sin, and malice; and still, it can all wash clean again. There’s new life after all the ways we’ve gone wrong in this world. And that comes through forgiveness. There’s nothing more healing or miraculous, than a moment of reconciliation, a moment of forgiveness. Our hearts that are frozen and dead from disappointment, bitterness, anger, separation, and hatred can beat again.in witnessing the warmth and love break through families who are not captive of a bitter and angry heart, we are seeing something that’s not just another instance of normal life, of ordinary unfolding. we are seeing newness, restoration, redemption, resurrection, forgiveness. Forgiveness is the most astonishing miracle we will ever see or experience this side of eternity. It, alone, makes for the possibility peace in our world.

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