The Battle of the Soul

Mystical teachings are not the easiest teaching to convey. It is not the easiest thing to inspire people to go into themselves to discover the power of the soul. This should be the most enthusiastic journey you will ever take. Why isn’t that?

In the movie “The King of Hearts” is set in France in World War 2. There is a British officer fleeing the Nazis. He runs into a place that is an institution for people they think are mentally crazy. So, he goes into this institution and meets all of these eccentrics. One woman wears a belle costume all day. Another person is always making up great stories. Another person thinks he is the kind of hearts. It goes on and on. But, all of these people, what they have in common, is that they are very kind. They are loving and they are sweet. They are wonderful people. They are just eccentrics.
    There is a scene where the officer is seating in the window, and he is scared because he is being persuaded by Nazis. He looks out the window and there is the town square. He sees the Nazis lining up resistant fighters. The Nazis are gunning them down. In this scene is that outside the institution where people are slaughtered with guns is considered the “normal” world. That is considered normal.

    Then the officer looks at the people inside who have been locked up because they have been considered crazy. They are kind, they are loving. Yes they are eccentric. But they are tender, harmless and sweet. And those people, Nazis, are murdering people who want freedom. You can see that how can that, what the Nazis’ are doing be considered normal. And this, be considered insane.

That scene took my breath away. That scene has come to me so many times when you look at our world of ours. That what we consider “normal”. People being gun down. Asian women being gun down. Gun violence. Hatred. Outside is considered normal. The pursuit of the higher qualities in us. The gifts of the Spirit. The potential in us to understand our higher resources is questioned. As if that is crazy. As if that is crazy.

When in fact what should be what we fear the most is our darkest potential. Is our absolute aptitude for gunning down people. What we should fear the most is not our potential to waken to our capacity to heal others and to our incredible gifts of the soul. We should fear the destructiveness of our anger. The destructiveness of our hatred. How easily that erupts in us. How easily our fear erupts in us and what that can do when it happens.

How much we fear our invisible potential. How we in fear of encountering the gifts of the soul. Why would anybody be in terror of their light and drawn to their darkness?

Why does the pursuit of the light to people go “Are you crazy”?

When you can have all of this. You can have greed and that is considered “normal”.

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Reflect - How does your soul speak to you? How might this be considered swimming against the stream of our culture.

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