Marist Millennium Pledge

We often get lost in the mundane processes of life, caught up in the busyness and pressures to perform more at work or the demands of family commitments. At these moments, our spirit may be stifled, and we may lose a sense of meaning in our lives. We can allow the culture of success or the culture of entertainment to dictate our direction, leading to a shallow existence as we chase one great idea after another without pausing to deeply engage with our spiritual life.

Mary's Yes
As Marists, we strive to follow and model Mary in our own lives. The 'Yes' is not just an assent to an invitation we may have received at some point in our life's journey. The 'yes' can appear in many different forms. Following Mary is an ongoing process of discernment and discovery, entering into the deeper reality of Mary's spirit alive within us.

Millennium Pledge
The Marist Millennium Pledge is a formation tool used to help structure our discernment and way of living as Marists. Over 12 months, an individual is invited to discern about ten ways God is calling them to follow Mary and Jesus. These commitments will emerge over time through personal prayer and encounters with spiritual friends or other Marists. There is no need to rush this process.

These commitments allow us to delve deeper into the reality of following Mary's path to Jesus. They may differ from those of other Marists, which is acceptable as they mark different moments along our faith journey. However, like a tuning fork that resonates at a specific pitch, a second tuning fork brought close will begin to sing like the first. Thus, our lives resonate with what it means to be Marist. The commitments we make bring us closer to the life of Mary living within us as she follows Jesus.

How will the Millennium Pledge begin? Through prayer. Pray this prayer with your family or community each week. You may want to ring a tuning fork or bell before praying to remind you that your life resonates in the way of Mary.

Click and download the PDF in A3 size.

Place this in your sacred space as a reminder of your commitment.

Let us pray together,
    Dear Lord,
    I wish to follow Your mother, Mary.
    Inspire me to find the things in my life that will bring me closer to being Mary’s hands, mind, and heart.
    May I bring the love of God living in me to care for the poor, the needy, and the forgotten.
    Call me to go beyond my comfort zone to bring hope to the world and a future not my own.
    Teach me to be open to Your way. To listen. To ponder. To feel joy.
    To be a brother or sister to others, especially in times of struggle.
    Enable me to be committed to Mary’s way in my life, to follow your Son, Jesus.
After a period of discernment, write down each commitment as it emerges in your heart and place them in a sacred space like a journal or prayer area. Return to them regularly to remind yourself of your commitments.

Christmas Time
By the end of the year, around Christmas time, you should have identified these ten pledges and be committed to living them each day. During the year, regularly discuss what you have committed to with your priest, spiritual friend, or another Marist. Write them carefully on a scroll and tie it with a ribbon. At Advent, take them to your church and place them near the altar, as the early Marists did in Fourvière in France in 1816. Ask the priest, spiritual friend, or other Marist to pray the prayer below with you...

The New Year
On January 1, the Feast of the Mother of God, let the Millennium Pledge begin anew in your life. Pray the Millennium Pledge prayer for the new year. Over time, through discernment, conversation, and personal prayer, some of your commitments will reappear, while others will be newly born.

May your search, discernment, and commitments resemble the person of Mary hidden within you. May the Marist Millennium Pledge awaken you to live a deeper reality of God in your life.

Let us now pray the Marist Millennium Advent Prayer
    Dear Lord,
    During this time of Advent, we follow Mary as our inspiration.
    Mary, may we, like you and with all the church, seek to bring to birth Jesus in our own lives.
    We thank you for the commitments we have made throughout this year, for these Marist Millennium Pledges.
    Let the gifts we bring to you at Christmas resemble your Son, Jesus.
    May all people sing the glory of God living in creation.

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You are invited to take part in the Marist Millennium Pledge over the next 12 months.

Download the attached PDF.

Print in Colour and place it in a prominent place in your home, workplace or community.

During the year, have a conversation with your priest, spiritual friend or other Marist about what you have been committed to. It is hoped by the end of the year, around Christmas time you would have found these ten pledges and be committed to living them each day.

Ask the priest, spiritual friend or other Marist to walk with you.

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