VIDEO Activity 1 - Introduction In your exercise book place the title 'Conscience'VIDEO The Moral Machine Read the 'classic' description at the top. Click 'home' and 'start judging' Click each description 'show description' Raise your hands. VIDEO Answer the following questions in your exercise book: Who does Elijah worship? What happens on Mount Horeb? What is the tiny whispering voice? What did Cardinal Newman think conscience was? Why is the Conscience 'the aboriginal vicar of Christ in the soul'? How can the conscience be drowned out? How do actions have a moral quality? What makes actions right or wrong? What do Catholics believe about conscience? How does the conscience work? What does the Catechism say about the Conscience? How can a person form their conscience? Activity 2 - Primacy of Conscience Read the article 'Pope Francis reaffirms the primacy of conscience' . Answer these questions: What is the difference between 'conscience' and 'ego'? Complete the sentence : The contemporary world risks confusing...... Why is the primacy of conscience important? Read the article 'Conscience takes priority over church teaching, says Catholic Catechism' . Answer these questions in your exercise book: What does the Catechism and Vatican II documents say about conscience? Has the church changed? VIDEO Watch the 4 minute video 6. Outline top five take aways from Pope Francis' document 'Joy of love'.VIDEO 7. Create 10 to 20 notes on Bishop Barron on Pope Francis' 'Amoris Laetitia'.Extension - The Document Amoris Laetitia - Joy of Love Document Activity 3 - The Catechism Read the following link on the conscience in the catechism .Can you answer these questions? Complete the sentence 'Deep within his conscience man or woman discovers a ......' How does Conscience work? How does a person form their conscience?
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How does Conscience work? How does a person form their conscience?
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