Aboriginal Safe Men, Strong Families

Affordable housing and over crowding in our community is at an all time high. Especially in Aboriginal communities we have family members living on top of each other. Couch surfing. What that relates to is that our men turn to other issues that effect them. We need to say enough enough is enough. We need to call men to be warriors in our community. There needs to be changes in mens attitudes. Men need to speak up more and return back to their roots.

The Aboriginal Education Worker (AEW) from the 'Willcannia Forbes Catholic Care' is an important cultural resource in our schools and their community. Their skills and expertise are valued, utilised and appreciated.

Our Aboriginal Education Workers (AEWs) are a vibrant group of Aboriginal people who work to support both the Aboriginal students enrolled in our schools and non-Indigenous students as they develop an understanding of the richness and depth of culture and diversity of our Aboriginal communities. At inservices AEWs share stories as they support each other in their work and explore ways to support our Aboriginal students and their families as they participate in the lives of our schools.

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18 June 2021

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Aboriginal Spirituality

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Social Justice

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CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes

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