Marist Laity Australia Newsletter

   - July 2022

Dear Fellow Marists,

It has been some time since Marist Laity Australia (MLA) produced a newsletter and so we reconnect with you today and invite you to read on and contribute to future editions if you would like to share some news.

The onset of Covid has impacted greatly on people gathering and so our reflection days and pilgrimages have been halted over these years.

We hope that as we learn to live with Covid, MLA will again invite people to take part inreflection days and Marist Pilgrimages to France.

Thank you to all those that have faithfully attended our online prayers over the pastyears. Whilst none have occurred this year, we will hold a Fourviere’ Reflection online, so keep your eye’s open for the date and link.

The Committee are reworking the MLA Guidelines this year and reviewing the MLA resources presently held in the Colin Library at Hunters Hill, as we move forward to place all resources online.

We welcome the Worldwide Marist Laity Facebook page called Marist Laity Wmlcand encourage you to add the link to your online options for news from our friends across the world.

Please see the link

I thank the commitment and dedication of the committee members who have remained faithful during these difficult times, Val Norris, Andrew Dumas Maria Baden and Cathy Larkin who joins us once more and to our Marist Family partners Michael Envision Marist Association, brother Peter Rodney fms, Sister Vicki Wilson smsm, Sister Fidelis McTeigue sm and father Paul Mahoney sm to ensure the Spirit of Mary is reflected and lived in a world crying out for compassion, peace, love and forgiveness.

Please enjoy the articles within and again we invite you to send articles you wish to share with others in future newsletters.

Please click on and read our July 2022 edition of the Marist Laity Australia Newsletter.

In the love and friendship of Mary who journeys with us and reflects so beautifully the love and faithfulness of a God who loves us beyond measure.

Go gently,

Margaret Woods.Coordinator of MLA

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04 July 2022

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