Prayer for the Sabbath

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At Candlelight
    May this Sabbath
    lift our spirits,
    lighten our hearts.
Washing the Hands:
    Washing the hands,
    We call to mind the
    Holiness of the body.
Sanctification over Wine:
    Let us bless the source of life
    That ripens fruit on the vine
    As we hallow the Sabbath day
    In remembrance of creation.
Blessing over Bread:
    Let us bless the source of life
    That brings forth bread over the Earth.
Blessing after a Meal:
    Let us acknowledge the source of life
    For the earth and for nourishment.
    May we protect the earth
    That it may sustain us,
    And let us seek sustenance
    For all who inhabit the world.

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09 October 2021

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Marcia Falk

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