
   - From Darkness to Light

   - an exploration of Domestic Violence

Thank you for your interest in our event “From Darkness to Light - an exploration of domestic violence” Sunday September 8th At Hunters Hill.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of interest we have decided to cancel our event.

We do feel very strongly about the issue of Domestic Violence in Australia.

We apologise for not being able to offer our event.

Take Care,

Marist JPIC Committee.

We warmly invite you to a presentation titled 'From Darkness to Light - An Exploration of Domestic Violence' on Sunday, September 8, from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm at the Holy Name of Mary Church Hall, Hunters Hill. This event features Ms. Livia La Rocca, a trained psychologist with 20 years of experience working with the Good Shepherd Sisters, and Ms. Nicole Yade, CEO of the Women and Girls Emergency Centre, a specialist homelessness service for women and families escaping domestic violence. Hosted by the Marist Family JPIC Committee, this insightful event requires an RSVP by September 1. We look forward to your presence and participation.

Please DOWNLOAD and PRINT the flyer.
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From Darkness to Light

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08 September 2024

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Marist Family JPIC Committee

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