
   - Why is prayer so important in family?

Prayer is the lifeblood of the spiritual life. It connects us beyond ourselves. The human person is designed to exist both in the finite and the infinite. Prayer bridges the infinite with the finite. At times, prayer might feel unnatural or strange, and this is only natural because it’s difficult to fit finite things into an infinite reality. God calls to us, but we can choose to ignore this call. God does not force His way in because if He did, it would no longer be infinite. God is invitational. As St. Augustine writes, “our hearts are restless until they rest in God.” Do we turn our attention to a deeper reality than what we see? This takes faith and requires us to walk into the darkness—light that seems dark, finite leading to the infinite. But the finite must trust.

As a child grows, parents teach them how to walk, eat, and discern right from wrong. But before a child can walk, they must learn to roll their bodies, lift their arms, and crawl. Crawling normally comes before walking. Our parents scaffold the process of eating for us with spoons. Before learning right from wrong, our parents model for us what we should do and sometimes give us tough love to help us learn boundaries. We must also learn how to pray from our parents. In the early stages, parents play a critical role in shaping our identity, both psychologically and spiritually. Children mirror what their parents model. What we do matters. Do we include a spiritual element in our lives? Or do we ignore the spiritual dimension and hope for the best, expecting the child to choose on their own? Waiting until they are 13 or 14 to make a decision in the 'age of reason' may cause us to miss so much of life. Don’t we realize that we are connected in more ways than we understand? Humans crave human contact. Babies want to be held, and couples want to kiss. Why would this longing stop with God?

Parents must model prayer for their children. This is not just something we do with our heads, but with our bodies and hearts. We must taste God. God comes to us through the moments of our lives—in small things, like watching a bird scurry for food, walking to the bus stop, writing, or having a conversation. Most especially, God comes to us in stillness. Prayer can activate these moments and bridge the gap between the finite and the infinite, making the moments come alive.

Prayer can start simply. It can begin with prayer at mealtimes as a family, reading a short scripture passage together, or sitting in stillness and awe of what surrounds us. We express gratitude to God for the wonder of creation through music, art, and enjoying each other’s presence. By going on trips together or doing activities as a family, we reflect the love of God among us. Through prayer, we awaken to something more.

Journal and reflect on these questions
  1. Where is prayer in your life?
  2. Why is prayer important?
  3. How can you include prayer more into your family’s life?
  4. In what ways do I model a prayerful life for my children, and how can I be more intentional in showing them the importance of connecting with God?
  5. How do we, as a family, address and overcome the challenges or resistance to prayer that might arise in our busy lives?
  6. In what ways can we express gratitude for God's presence in our family, and how can we create meaningful rituals or traditions that celebrate this?
Listen to the Song - Pat Barrett - Build My Life


Concluding prayer
Loving Father, we come before You with grateful hearts, seeking Your guidance in making prayer the foundation of our family life. Help us to recognize Your presence in the small, everyday moments, and to draw closer to You through our shared experiences. Teach us to model a life of faith, love, and trust in Your infinite goodness, so that our children may grow in the knowledge of Your love and grace. May our home be a place where Your light shines brightly, where we find strength in prayer, and where we journey together toward the fullness of life in You. Amen.

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