Developing a sense of beauty

In today's world, where materialism and superficiality often take center stage, it becomes crucial to guide young minds toward developing a genuine sense of beauty—one that transcends external appearances. Recently, I had a heartfelt conversation with my niece about body image and clothing choices. It made me reflect on the invisible aspects of beauty and the importance of nurturing self-worth and self-esteem in our loved ones.

When I spoke to my niece, I reassured her that our love for her is unconditional, regardless of her choices, including her clothing. However, I also wanted to make her aware that some people may judge or take advantage of others based on their appearance. At her young age, she had not yet encountered such experiences. As I pondered our conversation, I was reminded of James Hollis' statement that our world is predominantly invisible, despite our materialistic tendencies to perceive only the visible.

My wife shared her agreement with James Hollis' statement, particularly in the context of dance culture. She observed that girls are often introduced to dance at a young age, where they are expected to wear makeup and attire more suited for adults. This emphasis on external beauty can inadvertently shape their perception of self-worth. She recounted the story of a friend who battled with anorexia, feeling the need to conform to the world's expectations in which she had immersed herself.

The invisible aspects that contribute to our sense of beauty, such as self-image, self-worth, self-esteem, and body image, are often overlooked in our society. To cultivate these essential qualities, we must focus on the things that truly matter. Spending quality time with loved ones, being present in their lives, and communicating in ways that demonstrate unconditional love and acceptance can help build a strong foundation of self-worth.

There is nothing wrong with dance, but rather how we treat dance.

True beauty does not originate from our roles or our ability to perform, but rather from the infinite love of God. It is through our relationship with the divine that we discover the essence of beauty, known as Imago Dei—the image of God within us. As we strive to create communities and make choices that prioritize the invisible aspects of beauty, we allow the invisible God to become visible through our actions and interactions.

In a world that often values external appearances over inner qualities, it is our responsibility to guide the younger generation toward developing a sense of beauty that transcends superficiality. By nurturing self-worth, self-esteem, and a healthy body image, we can help our loved ones understand that their value lies beyond their physical appearance. Let us prioritize the invisible aspects of beauty and create a culture that reflects the divine love within us, unveiling the true and infinite beauty of the Imago Dei.

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Church Documents - I wonder how adopting a contemplative stance and nurturing a disposition of awe and wonder can lead us to encounter the mystery and beauty of the imago Dei, transforming our hearts and deepening our relationship with God.
(By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2023-7-14)

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