1. John the Baptist preached a message of repentance and preparation for the coming of the Lord. What areas of your life might need to be changed and prepared for the God’s work in your life?
2. How does the inclusion of a tax collector like Zacchaeus in Jesus' genealogy challenge your assumptions about who is deserving of God's grace and love? How can you apply this lesson to your own relationships with others?
3. The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus at his baptism. How can we call the Holy Spirit into our lives? Where has the Holy Spirit been active in your life? What actions do you need to take to bring the Holy Spirit more often into your life?
4. The voice says to Jesus, â€you are my beloved Sonâ€. The voice also says to you “you are my beloved daughter†or “you are my beloved sonâ€. How do you feel loved by God? What challenges you to accept this love? What blocks us from the love of God? How can you let God’s love more in?
Third, Reflect on your question and journal and write on paper, in your exercise book, or journal book. Fourth, Please visit our web site: https://www.maristlaityaustralia.com