Doing the Work of Mary

   - An invitation to the Marist Way

First Published by The Marist Laity Service Committee and The Priests and Brothers of the Society of Mary Atlanta Province U.S.A. 2004.

Facilitators Manual   |   Chapter 1 - Choice   |   Chapter 2 - What is the church & Who am I?
Chapter 3 - Who is Mary to me?
Section 2 Chapter 1 - Thinking, Judging, Feeling and Acting as Mary
Section 2 Chapter 2 - Hidden and Unknown
Section 2 Chapter 2 - Hidden and Unknown in the world
Section 3 Chapter 1 - Divine Quality of Mercy

Doring the Work of Mary

Dear Friends in Mary,

“May the grace and peace of God our Fatherand of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you”

With these words of St. Paul, Father Jean-Claude Colin, founder of the Marist family, began a mission in La Balme, France, in January 1825. When Colin responded to the request of his bishop to give a series of missions in a mountainous region in France, there were only two other priests who called themselves Marist—Father Etienne Declas and Father Pierre Colin. A few others joined them, and for five difficult winters these first Marists endured great hardships while giving missions in many villages. They became known for their kindness and their love of children, and they are credited with renewing the Church in the area. Thus, began the Marist project.

We must note well how the first Marists invited people to God—with this prayer for grace and peace.

The enclosed formation program, “Doing the Work of Mary: An Invitation to the Marist Way,” is an invitation to learn about a particular grace that God may have in mind for you. An invitation to learn how to live the Gospel as Mary did. An invitation to learn what Marist means. And if this spiritual gift is meant for you, many graces and much peace will come with it.

This material was written, reviewed and field-tested by members of the Marist Laity Service Committee and other lay Marists who are associated with the priests and brothers of the Atlanta Province of the Society of Mary. It has been approved by the Very Reverend Dennis J. Steik, S.M., Provincial; Reverend Edwin L. Keel, S. M., Promoter of Marist Laity; Reverend Andrew McCormack, S.M., ordained representative on the Marist Laity Service Committee; and other Marist priests.


Rev. Edwin L. Keel, S.M.
Promoter of Marist Laity
Society of Mary
Atlanta Province

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The Marist Laity Service Committee and The Priests and Brothers of the Society of Mary Atlanta Province

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