Introduction to Marist Laity

How to listen when Country speaks | Back To Nature

Richard Swain, or Swainy, is a Wiradjuri man and river guide. He talks to Aaron and Holly about . I recon everywhere is sacred. It is hard to go somewhere that is not special in Australia. The relationship between people and country has been so long and so harmonious. That is why the country still speaks. Whenever you are walking through the bush and you are really relaxed. Birds are chirping. You might get off track. You don’t feel as good and the bush goes quiet. That is country speaking to you, When you get back on track things feel good again. That is your genealogical memory. You are from the Earth. She sings to you when you hear those songs.

As Mary did - Part 3 - such are our projects

Marist Spiritually. As Mary did - part 3. Such are our projects.

David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet

In this unique feature documentary, titled David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet, the celebrated naturalist reflects upon both the defining moments of his lifetime and the devastating changes he has seen. Coming to Netflix October 4 2020, the film addresses some of the biggest challenges facing life on our planet, providing a snapshot of global nature loss in a single lifetime. With it comes a powerful message of hope for future generations as Attenborough reveals the solutions to help save our planet from disaster.

What Are You Attached To? - Father Jim

In Father Jim's homily, he shares a personal experience from his pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. After walking 800 kilometers, he arrived early at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela to secure a good seat for Mass. However, just before Mass began, an older man struggled to find a seat in the crowded church. Father Jim's friend, Josh, selflessly offered his seat to the man, demonstrating an act of kindness that left Father Jim reflecting on his own attachment to his plans and comfort.

From a Slap - Domestic Violence

'From A Slap' by features young boys, aged 7 to 11, who are introduced to a girl named Martina and asked what they like about her. When instructed by the interviewer to slap her, all the boys refuse, with one stating, 'I don't want to hurt her,' and another quoting, 'Girls shouldn't be hit, not even with a flower.' The video aims to highlight the innate moral compass children possess when faced with gender violence, advocating for adults to reflect on their behaviors and encouraging women experiencing domestic violence to find strength in resisting abuse. With over 3.5 million views, the video delivers a powerful message against violence toward women, showing that children naturally choose compassion.

Brother Sun, Sister Moon

At the heart of Pope Francis document on the Environ ment, Laudatio Si, is Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis is one of the first Christians concerned with the environ ment. Born in 1181. Saint Francis modelled a new way of living that radically shook the foundations of the church of the time. Saint Francis moved away from the upper rich merchant class which was emerging in European culture of the 12th century or “Majors”, and embraced a life with the lower class or “Minors”.

Song - Let There Be Peace

One star burns in the darkness. Shines with the promise, Emmanuel. One child born in the stillness. Living within us, Emmanuel

The science behind - how parents affect - child development

Yuko Munakata offers an alternative, research-backed reality that highlights how it's just one of many factors that influence the chaotic complexity of childhood development. A rethink for anyone wondering what made them who they are today and what it means to be a good parent.

1,000 Rosaries in October

We invite you to join the St Patrick’s community in praying the rosary for the Pope’s intention which is: praying for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world. As a community, we aim for 1,000 Rosaries for the entire month of October. We invite you to pray with us and log in your pledge in our website as a visible sign of the power of prayer and an encouragement to others to participate in this Marian crusade.

A Prayer for Peace - From Pope Francis

Please pray this prayer for peace by Pope Francis

Saint Francis and the Sultan seeking peace

Saint Francis in the 1219 traveled to Egypt to engage with the Islamic sultan Al Kamil during the crusades. Francis went to seek peace. After Francis had approached the Christian generals, they rejected him. Francis stayed in the camp with Sultan in dialogue. There was a mutual understanding and appreciation of each other.


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Top Rated Web pages for October 2024
1A hornets nest
In today’s Gospel – Luke 3:10-18 – a lot is happening! The crowds are pressing on John the Baptist for instructions as to what they must do. They are “filled with expectation”. This is a dangerous situation, especially with the Roman authorities hyper-alert to any signs of the Pax Romana being upset. John deflects attention from himself: “I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire”.<
2The Tipping Point of Climate Change - Where we Stand - TED - Johan Rockstrom
Johan Rockström's presentation, 'The Tipping Point of Climate Change,' highlights the urgent and accelerating risks posed by climate change, as scientists observe rapid changes far beyond previous expectations. He warns that critical Earth systems, such as forests and oceans, are losing their ability to buffer climate impacts, pushing us closer to irreversible tipping points. With global warming already at 1.2 degrees Celsius and on a path to exceed 2 degrees, Rockström emphasizes the dire economic, social, and environmental consequences, including potential GDP losses and catastrophic ecological shifts. However, he also identifies a narrow window of opportunity to avoid disaster through immediate and exponential action, urging global cooperation, rapid emission reductions, and the restoration of natural systems to stabilize the planet. Despite the challenges, Rockström remains a 'realistic optimist,' believing that with decisive action, a sustainable and secure future is still possible.
3Prayer for the Aboriginal Voice
Pray this Prayer in your community, family and school. We join our voices together in support of an Aboriginal Voice through song, story, reflection, discussion and stillness.
4Mindful Colouring 3 - 12 yr old Jean Maree Chavoin - her family helping the poor in 1790s
Spend 20 minutes mindfully colouring this artwork. Print the PDF and share this as a family, school or community.
5Today our mission must radically change
Today our mission must radically change. That mission is traumatic, ongoing, and accelerating. In less than 200 years. Just a blink in geological time we humans have burnt so much coal, gas and oil, and destroyed so many forests, that our planets climate has become unstable. Sea levels are rising, oceans are heating, acidifying, and filling with plastic. Large populations of animals have vanished, and many species are going extinct. People world wide are struggling with extreme heat waves, droughts, floods and storms. Countless people are going hungry and being forcibly displaced because of climate shocks.

Recent Comments Added

Song - How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
    Mary - What insights and perspectives might Mary have shared with the early believers about Jesus teachings, his ministry, and his ultimate sacrifice?
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2024-3-8)

Story - Saint John Vianney - Third Order Marist
    Church Documents - How can the sacrament of Reconciliation help us experience the merciful love of Jesus Christ and foster a deeper relationship with God?
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2024-3-8)

Canberra - Youth Ministry Equiping School
    Mary - I wonder how Marys relationship with the early Church evolved over time and what insights her continued presence and support brought to the ongoing mission of the Church.
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-3-3)

Movie - Cabrini
    Quote - Life is not a series of difficult decisions, it is a series of moments. And every moment, the choice is simple love or fear. - Shauna Niequist
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How to parent a teen from a teens perspective
    Family - I wonder how parents can encourage their children to have a positive mindset.
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-3-1)

Mindful Colouring - Woman at the well
    Social Justice - I wonder how engaging in regular moments of silence or meditation can help us cultivate a sense of inner stillness and clarity, enabling us to respond more effectively to the challenges and injustices we encounter in the world.
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA. - 2024-2-29)

Blog - Transforming Pain
    Quote - The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior. - Scott Peck
    (By A. D. - Marist Laity - from AUSTRALIA - 2024-2-19)